Langdon Waterworks GIS
Langdon Waterworks services over 5000 people. Servicing of this population requires distribution assets including pipelines, valves, fire hydrants and curb stops. Langdon Waterworks is responsible for the operation and maintenance of these assets.
In order to effectively manage the distribution system assets a geographic information system (GIS) was developed to map locations of assets as well as information pertaining to each asset. Information includes details of indivdual service inspections at installation time, repairs of assets, records of maintenance such as valve exercising and fire hydrant flow testing, asset type and materials and installation dates. The GIS is extended as new needs arise to effectively track and monitor distribution system condition and maintenance.
Project in Brief
Client: Langdon Waterworks Inc.
Location: Hamlet of Langdon
Cost: $40,000
Type: Quantum GIS
Sim-Flo’s Role
Sim-Flo Systems was retained to design and implement the geograpic information system. Sim-Flo Systems has been contracted to maintain and update the geographic information system as required.